Swedish Goverment Introduces Cookie Opt-In Banner – there goes their Google Analytics data…

The Swedish Government has introduced a banner on their website asking visitors to explicitly accept having cookies placed on their website (click on the image to make it larger).

swedish government website cookie banner

It sure ain’t pretty, and will probably have the same catastrophic effect on the Google Analytics data they collect that the ICO, in the UK, experienced when they introduced something similar. Will the last analyst left in the building please turn the lights off when they leave….

Update: And here’s something similar from Uppsala kommun:

and here’s another Swedish site bearing a similar banner (I’ve chosen the English version here) msb.se:






Discussion at StudyinSweden Regarding Fees

There’s a great thread regarding the introduction of fees at the StudyinSweden site – I’m a little out of the loop right now (due to the work I’m doing with  Lund University’s web development project) so expect to see more updated information there.


Sweden in touch – New community website for international students

 Sweden in Touch, is a new site for international students and was launched on the 1st of October.  Its aim is to network all the international students in Sweden, of which there are approximately 28 000. It has been launched by the Swedish Institute. The first goal of the website is to reach  3 000 of the international students in Sweden. 

I think it’s a great site – there’s already a whole bunch of people on it and a number of university networks.

I was at a breakfast seminar recently where I got to see Olle Wästberg give a presentation about Sweden as a brand. Olle Wästberg is the director of the Swedish Institute and previous Consulate General in New York. One of the things he talked about was the aim of the Swedish Institute to have an ‘omnipresence’ of Sweden on the web. This is clearly the case, when you look at the high quality of some of their other websites, for example, Study in Sweden